As the wheel of the year turns to Samhain, we find ourselves at a profound moment of introspection and connection. Samhain, often celebrated from October 31st to November 1st, marks the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter, a period traditionally associated with death and the ancestors. It is a time when the veil between our world and the spirit realm is thinnest, offering us a unique opportunity to honor those who have passed and to embrace the transformative energy of the coming dark months.
Ancestors can be powerful guides in that they once walked the earth and understand the depths of the human journey. Having returned to Spirit (assuming they're not stuck in the middle world - a story for another day), they carry the light of unity and unconditional love and can impart great wisdom when called upon.
The United States is one of the only countries that does not honor the ancestors through sacred rituals and gatherings, due to our Puritan roots. However, when you lean into these ancient practices that have been honored throughout time across many cultures, you will find deep connection both to yourself and the divine realms.
To explore working with ancestors, consider creating a small altar or shrine for your ancestors, taking inspiration from the Mexican tradition of Dias de los Muertos. This is considered an ofrenda or a memorial for remembering and honoring. This celebration is not only for remembering but inviting the ancestors back for a visit.

Reflect on your gratitude for ancestors, what their lives were like, and blessings you have received because of them. Reflect on the intergenerational traumas that may benefit from your loving awareness and tending. Consider asking them for their wisdom and automatically write what you feel. As this is considered the Celtic new year, set intentions for the season ahead knowing that everything is born from the darkness.
You may wish to work with specific crystals that support connection and offer protection and energetic support for this specific intention. Here are my top recommendations of stones that hold unique vibrations for connecting with your roots, releasing what no longer serves, and cultivating the seeds of rebirth and renewal that winter promises.
Carnelian: Igniting the Ancestral Flame and Clearing Ghosts
Carnelian, with its vibrant orange hues, resonates with the sacral chakra, the seat of our vitality and passion. This stone is perfect for Samhain, as it not only helps to stimulate our inner fire but also connects us to the joyful memories of our ancestors. According to Chinese Medicine, carnelian is an great companion for clearing the energy of 'ghosts' - meaning anything that haunts you or holds you back. Carnelian gets things moving and helps you to release and move forward. Use carnelian in your Samhain rituals to invoke the courage and power of those who came before you, aiding in the clearing of old family patterns and the illumination of new paths.
Petrified Wood: Embracing Timeless Wisdom
Petrified wood is as ancient as it is wise. This stone is a powerful ally for grounding and stabilizing energy during the tumultuous shift into winter. It holds the wisdom of the ages, providing a direct link to the tree’s spirit, which has witnessed the earth’s hidden secrets over millennia. During Samhain, incorporate petrified wood into your practices to enhance meditation, connect with ancestral spirits, and stabilize your energy as you reflect on the cycles of life and death.
Lodalite: Journeying Through the Veil
Lodalite, with its dream-like inclusions, is often called the Shamanic Dream Stone. It is particularly potent for journeying into the inner realms and facilitating visionary experiences with the spirit world. During Samhain, use lodalite to guide your spiritual journeys, helping you to connect with ancestor guides and to receive messages that can illuminate your path through the darker months.
Black Obsidian: Protection and Release
I recommend adding black obsidian to your Samhain crystal collection. This deeply protective stone is known for its ability to reveal the truth—about ourselves and our past—and to help us let go of old, stagnant energies. Use black obsidian to cut cords with the past, releasing patterns and traumas that are not part of your forward journey.
As the cycle of the year deepens into the shadows of Samhain, we embrace this sacred opportunity to connect with our ancestors and the wisdom they offer. By crafting an ofrenda, engaging in reflective practices, and harnessing the energies of supportive crystals, you create a powerful space for spiritual growth and ancestral communication. This Samhain, honor the past, draw strength from your roots, and sow intentions for renewal with the support of the spirit world. May your journey through the dark months be illuminated by the light of unity and the profound connections you foster with those who walked before you.