Anchor the Light Meditation

Anchor the Light Meditation

We are currently in a time of accelerated evolution, ascending in consciousness. With this comes letting go of what no longer serves you, confronting your limiting beliefs and re-evaluating what is true and right in your system. To rise up, you must move into your center and root down and in, connecting to your body wisdom and discovering your sovereignty. From here you operate from a deeper place of integrity and alignment from which abundance and overflow abound. 

In this meditation, you'll be guided to connect with your inner light, to anchor it here, now, for your highest evolution. Open your heart to receiving the activations contained here. You are meant to shine, beautiful one. Thank you for being here.

If you want to learn more and be a part of a high-vibe, spiritual community that regularly discusses meditation and other similar topics, join our Anchor the Light Facebook group while you're here!

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